Robert Evans

"The more you dig into Andreessen’s theology, the more it starts to seem like a form of technocapitalist Christianity. AI is the savior, and in the case of devices like the Rabbit, it might literally become our own, personal Jesus. And who, you might ask, is God?

"'We believe the market economy is a discovery machine, a form of intelligence — an exploratory, evolutionary, adaptive system,' Andreessen writes.

"This is the prism through which these capitalists see artificial intelligence. This is why they are choosing to bring AGI into being. All of the jobs lost, all of the incoherent flotsam choking our internet, all of the Amazon drop shippers using ChatGPT to write product descriptions, these are but the market expressing its will. 

"Artists must be plagiarized and children presented with hours of procedurally generated slop and lies on YouTube so that we can, one day, reach the promised land: code that can outthink a human being." 


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