LAION announced a new initiative, BUD-E, that seeks to build a “fully open” voice assistant capable of running on consumer hardware.

Why launch a whole new voice assistant project when there are countless others out there in various states of abandonment? Wieland Brendel, a fellow at the Ellis Institute and a contributor to BUD-E, believes there isn’t an open assistant with an architecture extensible enough to take full advantage of emerging GenAI technologies, particularly large language models (LLMs) along the lines of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

“Most interactions with [assistants] rely on chat interfaces that are rather cumbersome to interact with, [and] the dialogues with those systems feel stilted and unnatural,” Brendel told TechCrunch in an email interview. 

 “Those systems are OK to convey commands to control your music or turn on the light, but they’re not a basis for long and engaging conversations. The goal of BUD-E is to provide the basis for a voice assistant that feels much more natural to humans and that mimics the natural speech patterns of human dialogues and remembers past conversations.”


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