Planetary Systems

Data practitioners still struggle with normalizing and interpreting data correctly to support their planning and decision-making in the increasingly complex and data-rich intraorbital environment.

By empowering efficient R&D and ensuring safer and faster operations across complex technical domains, AI will serve as the radically-expanding space economy’s amplifier – and pressure valve.

In design work, AI can model potential equipment failures under myriad conditions, exposing risks before costly and dangerous live operations reveal them the hard way.

At launch, AI can identify anomalies and shut down unforeseen mission risks far faster than human monitors ever could.

And during spaceport data operations –whether via post-processing and analysis, active synthesis, or networked orbital computing –AI can reveal critical anomalies and valuable opportunities across completely heterogeneous datasets that might otherwise have been lost in hours of costly human labor.


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Hamza Chaudhry