Sarah Jeong on Pixel 9

"Until now, the onus has largely been on those denying the truth of a photo to prove their claims. 

"The flat-earther is out of step with the social consensus not because they do not understand astrophysics —how many of us actually understand astrophysics, after all? —but because they must engage in a series of increasingly elaborate justifications for why certain photographs and videos are not real. 

"They must invent a vast state conspiracy to explain the steady output of satellite photographs that capture the curvature of the Earth. They must create a soundstage for the 1969 Moon landing. 

"No one on Earth today has ever lived in a world where photographs were not the linchpin of social consensus —for as long as any of us has been here, photographs proved something happened. 

"Consider all the ways in which the assumed veracity of a photograph has, previously, validated the truth of your experiences:  
  • The preexisting ding in the fender of your rental car. 
  • The leak in your ceiling. 
  • The arrival of a package. 
  • An actual, non-AI-generated cockroach in your takeout. 
"When wildfires encroach upon your residential neighborhood, how do you communicate to friends and acquaintances the thickness of the smoke outside?" 


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