Flying Spaghetti Monster

"Theophagy means 'god eating,' and it refers to the practice of ritually eating what the eater believes to be the flesh of a deity

"The practice is believed to have derived from earlier forms of ritual cannibalism, in which the descendants of a deceased person would ritually eat parts of the body of the deceased, so that the "spirit" and qualities of former generations could be passed on to the following ones

"But. When stars align properly, elder gods eat you. So yes, in Cthulhu religion, god eats you!

"Also, in 2023, the world had a rude awakening as it was introduced to the shoggoth, in the form of the corporate large language model (LLM). 

"With all the hype surrounding such AI, the insistence that we don't really know how it works, and the uncanny abilities it has, there may well be more to this than a mere meme." 


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