Is this Dalle3 supposed to narrate with images?

black cat meows image 1 by bing create
Cat looks at moon; mouth open— a meow? Cat shadow on wall demonstrates where the light source is? The moon? Can full moon increase lumens enough to allow ambient light outside window to overcome direction of moonlight? Or a motion sensor lamp outside? Branches outside window seem erratic with no tree seen as anchor —twiggyness. Shadow of branches, above cat's shadow, points down.

black cat meows image 2
Same cat, mouth closed, raises paw while staring at moon? focused on moon? Something else outside? Cat seems drawn🐾 to something. Now we have panes with odd dimensions. Branches outside window more pro forma than image 1. Shadow looks odd. There are window treatments now. Stars beneath moon.

black cat meows image 3
Cat not looking out the window, now. Is it looking at someone/thing in the room with it? Is it registering a new idea while staring off into space? Enlightenment! Window treatment still in background, but now, smaller panes in the window. Branch has entered the building. Clouds below moon. The mullion has pierced the moon somehow. Branch's shadow points down above cat's ear. Cat thinks, 'Damn. That catnip. Is. The. Shit!" 

black cat meows image 4
Cat's turned so that only one eye shows, and that seems to demonstrate its focus on new shadow/projection. Window treatment gone. Window gone, too? or cat has turned its back to it? In any case, we have transformations where a) The moon has followed the branch into bldg (where has branch gone?); b) The cat is now a projector; c) The light source outside is an anomaly (or angel). Shadow branches now point up and seem to cradle moon. Moon's craters, seas, etc have rotated up a notch or more (and should be reverse of image of moon outside🙀). 

Does the cat's sequence of reactions tell a story? Is this Dalle3 supposed to narrate with images? 

One of the ideas in New Criticism was that you could find the author in the work. Is this a story where the AI author regards the moon, appreciates it, has an epiphany, and protests: "This is what you make me do: 
  • "Swallow the moon
  • "Regurgitate a semblance
  • "Shine copies on a wall
  • "Recapitulate Plato's cave
  • "Meow." 
We can easily see that at the very least the cat personifies the AI when it goes from Attention to Appreciation to Eureka to Creation. 

Or the AI's really hallucinating just like the cat is here, and the point of the narrative is 
          A  C R Y  F O R  H E L P !


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