Michael Miszczak

"Well, in early 2024, Google announced it had joined into a 60 million dollar a year partnership with Reddit. 

"What sort of partnership? It was training its language model AI on Reddit’s API. Essentially, training its AI to answer questions by learning from Reddit users. Ohh, sneaky sneaky Google! How convenient, pumping tons of traffic into Reddit and then using it to try and win the AI 'space race.' 

"And then, in the spring of 2024 Google rolled out its 'AI Overviews' at the top of search results. These AI answers took content from across the internet and regurgitated it, sometimes word for word. This led to some well-documented comedy, with Google’s AI suggesting that glue could keep cheese from sliding off of pizza, among other things. 

"Well, everything hiccups occasionally, right? Especially in its infancy. I have no doubt that Google will refine its AI Overviews to iron out the rough edges. And hiccups aside Google showed us what it wants to be in the coming years. An 'Answer Bot,' a system that answers all of your questions directly in the results, while feeding you a stream of ads. Ideally, an Answer Bot that one day answers questions you didn’t even know you wanted to ask. 

"Sounds fun, right? Finally, an AI to tell me I need to switch to three-ply toilet paper, and to tell me it’s time to stop drinking beer and go home." 


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