Humans in the loop 🎰

Literally everything that ChatGPT does has humans in the loop. A human 
  1. Types the prompt and 
  2. Pastes the response, then they 
  3. Paste it into Prolific on the computer that they 
  4. Carry into work every day and manually 
  5. Plug into the wall. 
The only step that the LLM does is generate the text.

In other words, not only did they explicitly put 10 poets "in the loop," but, loop or no loop, this methodology is incapable of proving that AI is "indistinguishable from human-written poetry" because human poets are expected to innovate on style.

This paradigm is an ideologically-motivated work of fiction, based on a true story in the most Hollywood sense. It is the difference between, say, remote-controlled cars and self-driving ones. AI cannot function without consistent human intervention at all scales, from the lowliest data-laborers to the researchers themselves. 


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Hamza Chaudhry