It's Going Down

"Beyond the increasing financial and environmental costs, accelerated AI production also means creating technologies that by the admission of their own creators, will automate out of existence many jobs —and not just white-collar ones. 

"Many fast-food chains are already working to automate out their workforce through AI, from drive through windows to inside the restaurants themselves. 

"This reality creates a paradox: Trump barely squeaked out a win in 2024 through weaponizing growing resentment against neoliberalism; an economic system defined by corporate globalization and a declining standard of living. 

"But as Forbes wrote, '[A]utomation technology has been the primary driver of U.S. income inequality over the past 40 years…50% to 70% of changes in U.S. wages since 1980 can be attributed to wage declines among blue-collar workers replaced or degraded by automation.' 

"The push by Trump to fuel the growth of AI will of course only accelerate this reality."


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