Training data FTW
This is a proposition Stephen Bax, another contender for a Voynich solution, finds hardly credible. “Why on earth would anyone waste their time creating a hoax of this kind?” he asks.
Maybe it’s a relic from an insular community of magicians who left no other trace of themselves.
Surely in the last 300 years every possible theory has been suggested, discarded, then picked up again.
Should you care to take a crack at sleuthing out the Voynich mystery —or just to browse through it for curiosity’s sake —you can find the manuscript scanned at Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, which houses the vellum original.
Another privately-run site contains a history and description of the manuscript and annotations on the illustrations and the script, along with several possible transcriptions of its symbols proposed by scholars.
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