Vatican Commission on Artificial Intelligence

"In this regard, the Guidelines provide for the establishment of a Commission on Artificial Intelligence, to be appointed by the President of the Governorate. 

"It will be composed of five members, including officials from the Legal Office, and from the Directorates of Telecommunications and Information Systems, and of Security and Civil Protection Services.

"The Commission’s main responsibilities will include 
  1. Drafting laws and implementing regulations for the use of Artificial Intelligence, 
  2. Providing opinions on proposals for the testing and implementation of systems within the Vatican, 
  3. Reporting potential risks to the Governorate and 
  4. Drafting a semi-annual report on the impact of the use of Artificial Intelligence within Vatican City State.
"Commission members will serve a three-year term, with the possibility of renewal or replacement by the President of the Governorate."


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