Kyle Wiggers

"According to one survey, the average developer spends close to 20% of their workweek maintaining existing code rather than writing anything new. 

"In a separate study, companies said that excessive code maintenance (including addressing technical debt and fixing poorly performing code) costs them $85 billion per year in lost opportunities.

"And, for what it’s worth, consultants agree. 

"In a 2023 report, analysts at McKinsey wrote that AI coding tools can enable developers to write new code in half the time and optimize existing code in roughly two-thirds the time.

"Now, a coding AI isn’t a silver bullet.

"The McKinsey report also found that certain, more complex workloads —like those requiring familiarity with a specific programming framework —didn’t necessarily benefit from AI. In fact, it took junior developers longer to finish some tasks with AI versus without, according to the report’s co-authors." 


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