Part of USDA Framework
"FNS encourages SLTT agencies to make training and educational opportunities related to AI available widely to SLTT agency staff to advance innovation and promote responsible use. "SLTT agencies should ensure adequate training in relevant AI topics for staff who procure, design, develop, enhance, and/or maintain AI-enabled technologies. "Before using AI for a given purpose, it will be critical for SLTT agencies to identify the expected benefit of the AI (e.g., improved timeliness, an improved customer experience) and seek to estimate the anticipated gain from using AI. "SLTT agencies should identify quantitative or qualitative measures to validate that expected benefits or gains were realized after the AI is in use. "AI should not be used with the objective of achieving unspecified or unknown potential gains. SLTT agencies should work with FNS to identify acceptable thresholds for reliability, accuracy, and trustworthiness before implementing AI and should ...